The son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Blackmore of 259 Colbourne St., Chatham, ON. A graduate of the Chatham Collegiate Institute, and for a while before enlisting, he was the Sports Editor for the Chatham Daily News. He was also on the staff of the Chrysler Corporation in Chatham.
Carlton appears on the “Muster Roll” of the 2nd Bn., Kent Regiment (MG), N.P.A.N. (date unknown). In May of 1942, he was accepted into the RCAF R155493 and was to report to London, ON to be trained as a Radio Mechanic at the University of Toronto. CDN 27/05/42
Served with Second Kents for one year.
Served in Canada and stationed at Manning Depot. H took a course at University of Toronto. According to the CDN 5/06/42, Carlton was accepted for training at the London Recruiting Centre finished at Clinton R.C.A.F. School on Radar Work. He was a radio technician at Coal Harbour on Vancouver Island.
Carlton was accepted for training at the London Recruiting Centre. In July Carlton was stationed at RCAF Manning Pool – Toronto had a week-end leave to visit his parents. CDN 4/07/42
In November of 1942 he was on a two week furlough from RCAF – Toronto to visit his parents. CDN 19/11/42
The CDN 12/04/43 reported that LAC Carlton spent a two week furlough at his parents home. He would return to the west coast at the end of his furlough.
The CDN 13/05/44 reported that Cpl. Blackmore then with the RCAF was returning to the west coast after a few days furlough spent in Chatham.
Discharged January 1946.
Sources | 2KRMR, IODE(P), CCI-RH, CCHR-V, CDN(5) |
Birthplace | Toronto, Ontario |
Religion | Anglican |
When Enlisted | May 27th, 1942 |
Next of Kin | Mother- Mrs. Mary Blackmore |
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