Gordon was educated in Highgate and attended high school in Ridgetown. Upon completion of high school Gordon went on to the University of Toronto where he studied aeronautical engineering. He was athletic. He was also involved in many university activities including public speaking and theater.
F/O Bishop enlisted in August of 1941 in Vancouver, BC., entering service on 29 December. He trained at Edmonton, Calgary, Regina and Fort William, receiving his wings at Yorkton, Sask. on 29/12/42. Gordon left for England from Halifax, landing in England 13/02/43. Gordon was a member of the Iroquois Squadron, adopted by the town of Simcoe. His parents had received notice that Gordon was missing on active service 30/12/43.
Age: 24, KIA – Date of Death: 29/12/1943. On Operations target Berlin, in Halifax bomber # LK 701 over Berlin, Germany. Did not return from night Ops. There were two other 431 Squadron aircraft in the same area on this date.
A memorial service was held for F.O. Bishop at the Palmyra Baptist Church. The service was conducted by Rev. Harvey Merritt, built around the text “The eternal God is thy refuge and underneath are the the everlasting arms“. (RIN 29/08/12).
In his eulogy to F/O Bishop, Mr. J. W. Edwards, former principal of the Ridgetown High School, concluded with the following remarks: “As a consolation, there is the thought that if ever a cause was good, if ever the sacrifice of young life could be justified, it is the crusade to rescue Europe and civilization from the tyranny of Nazi domination.”
The CDN 6/09/44 reported that over 200 former students of the school were fighting “to maintain our freedom”.
Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead, Grave/Memorial Reference: 8. F. 12.
Cemetery: Limmer British Cemetery at HANOVER WAR CEMETERY. Also commemorated on the Bomber Command Memorial Wall in Nanton, AB.
Sources | RIN (29-08-2012), “ Palmyra Memories July 1, 2002” – Reunion Book Honour Roll, “Orford Story 1827 – 1977”, “They Shall Not Grow Old”, Ridgetown Dominion (date unknown) includes a photo, RIN 17/01/18., Index of Overseas Deaths. |
Supplemental Information | Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead, Grave/Memorial Reference: 8. F. 12. Cemetery: Limmer British Cemetery at HANOVER WAR CEMETERY. “ Palmyra Memories July 1, 2002” – Reunion Book Honour Roll. “Orford Story 1827 – 1977”. Index of Overseas Deaths. . “They Shall Not Grow Old”. Ridgetown Dominion (date unknown) includes a photo, RIN 17/01/18. Son of John A. and Ada Storey Bishop, of Muirkirk, (Johnson Side road), Ontario, Canada. |
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