Pte. Regimental number 189795. Reference: RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 729-11, Item: 43519, PDF: BO729-SO11. Date of Birth: 13/11/1898 at London, England. The son of George and Amy Billings of Tilbury, On. Lived and attended Public School in Tilbury where he was also a member of the Tilbury Public School – Boy Scouts, attending a Scout camp in London, ON. in the summer of 1913. A single labourer he was living in Tilbury, ON.
Fred enlisted in the 91st Bn. at St. Thomas, ON. 3/01/1916 at the age of 18 yrs., height: 5’ 7”, Complexion: Dark, Eyes: Grey, Hair: Dark, Vision 20/20. Medical at Tilbury, ON. 3/01/16. He transferred from the 91st Bn. to the 186th overseas Bn. 28/02/16. Before going overseas he attended a ‘bombing’ training course at Camp Bordon. He embarked 28/03/1917 from Halifax, NS. aboard the S. S. Lapland departed Halifax 7/04/17 his name appears on the “Nominal Roll of the 186th Bn. leaving for England. Arrived in England 7/04/17.
Once in England he underwent more training at Bramshot Camp until 29 April 17, when he crossed to France in a draft for the 1st Bn. 4/12/17 During the Battle of Arras 26 August to 3 September, 1918, he was wounded in the leg, admitted to the Letroport Hospital on the 16th of April suffering a gun shot wound in his left leg and right side of his abdomen. He would return to active service 8/08/1918 in time for the CEF’s actions around Cambria / Armiens where he would be wounded the second time (15 times) in both hips. He would be hospitalized once again. TT 6/02/19 admitted to Eastbourne Military hospital. 23/10/18 Transferred to Epson Hospital. It was reported as follows: “While on active service 1 October, 1918 received a GSW to the left leg right penetrating through, pelvis and left leg. “Disapility at Present”. . .24/10/18 TOS (Taken Off Strength) from 1st Batt. at Witley 15/10/18. Ceased to be attached to 4th Reserve. Transferred to Kimmel Park pending dispatch to Canada 9/01/1919.
Departed for Canada aboard the S.S. Aquitania 25/01/19. Fred was posted 28/02/1919 to Casualty Company, granted a furlough with subsistence to 12/02/19.
He was discharged from HMS the army 05/03/1919. He was entitled to wear two Blue Chevrons (denoting twice wounded).
It was noted that he was married to a Mary Crawford and his last known address was 295 Niagara St., Buffalo, NY.
Article in the Tilbury Times 5/02/2019 reported that Fred was serving or five months with a platoon of the 1st Batt. commanded by Lieut. Arthur Patrick WILSON (MC, DCM) who DOW 1/09/18 in hospital in England.
Sources | IODE, RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 729-11, TT (18/04/18, 17/10/18, 6/02/19), TDHS, LAC |
Height | 5' 7' |
Eye Colour | Grery |
Age | 18 |
Complexion | Dark |
Hair | Dark |
Race | White |
Birthplace | England 1898 |
Religion | Anglican |
Last Place of Employment | Clerk for J.S. Richardson, Tilbury, Ontario. |
Average Earnings | $8.00 per week |
Marital Status | Single |
When Enlisted | December 31st, 1915 |
Where Enlisted | Tilbury, Ontario |
Next of Kin | Mother- Mrs. Amy Billings, Tilbury, Ontario. |
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