John Beardall was rejected as Air Cadet owing to physical unfitness and enlisted as Mechanical Transport Driver 2nd Class August 31st, 1917 in the Royal Flying Corps, transferring to Royal Air Force April 1st, 1918. Re-mustered to General Clerk 2nd Class July 1st, 1918. Promoted to First Class General Clerk August 1st, 1918.
2/A.M. John Beardall received his discharged February 24th, 1919, due to demobilization.
Sources | IODE |
Height | 5' 2" |
Eye Colour | Blue |
Age | 21 |
Complexion | Fair |
Hair | Fair |
Race | White |
Birthplace | South Shields, Durham, England |
Religion | Baptist |
Last Place of Employment | Student of the Canada Business College, Chatham, Ontario |
Marital Status | Single |
When Enlisted | August 31st, 1917 |
Where Enlisted | Toronto, Ontario |
Next of Kin | Father- G.B. Beardall, Chatham, Ontario. |
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