Reference: RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 516 – 6. Item: 29582, PDF:- B0516-SO06. Attestation: At London, ON. 23/08/16 to 142nd o/s Batt, CEF. A Student age 18 years, Height 5’ 9 1/2’” Weight: 145#, Girth: 32 ½” Physical: – Good, Birth mark on Right hand.
Born in Ridgetown, ON. 6/03/1898. The son of Peter Banden (father). He had previous service in the 24th Kent Regt. After growing up in Ridgetown, Harry joined the Royal Canadian Army in 8/08/1916. He spent 18 Months at Camp Borden considered to be Fit for service. 2/09/16 TOS – Posted to the General list of officers. 31/10/16 to 18th Batt.
Lieutenant Henry Norman Bawden took six week’s officer’s training course at London, Ontario.
Lieutenant Henry Norman Bawden served as Supernumary with the 142nd. Battalion, leaving for England with a draft of officers August 18th, 1916, and proceeding to France October 26th, 1916, as Lieutenant with the 18th. Canadian Battalion.
19/03/17 Henry was admitted to No. 7 Stationary Hospital at Boulogne, France. He had sprained his ankle. He was discharged from duty. Under wounds and other injuries “While I was in the performance of military duty. The injury accured while bayonet fighting at the 1st Army School with the 18th Batt.” . He was taken to No.5 Field Ambulance, No. 7 Statt. Hospital and No. 58 Casualty Clearing Station
In his service to his country, he saw combat in two battles that were particularly important to Canadian history, Paschendale and Vimy Ridge.
27/03/18 serving with the 18th Batt. He was an instructor on the Lewis Gun instructor.
Was proceeded to England 4/04/1919. He sailed for Canada 13/05/1919. He was credited for service in England and France returned with the 18th Batt. 2nd Cdn.
After the First World War and a law career, he served on the powerful War Finance Committee from 1941 to 1945. His association with fellow Hall of Excellence members Peter Campbell and Gordon Leitch led to phenomenal business accomplishments with Maple Leaf Mills and Upper Lakes Shipping. He eventually was elected president of Dominion Securities.
Sources | Church Of the Advent - Ridgetown, Chatham Daily Planet (25-05-1919), Ridgetown High School - Hall of Excellence Webpage |
Height | 5'9 1/2" |
Weight | 145 lbs. lbs |
Eye Colour | Blue |
Age | 18 |
Complexion | Fair |
Race | White |
Birthplace | Ridgetown, Ontario |
Religion | Anglican |
Last Place of Employment | Collegiate Institute Student |
Marital Status | Single |
When Enlisted | June 8th, 1916 |
Where Enlisted | London, Ontario |
Next of Kin | Father- Peter W. Bawden, Ridgetown, Ontario. |
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