The son of Mr.Charles and Beatrice (nee Beeney) of Cedar Springs. Brother of Ivy, Nel, Mary, Charles, George, and John.
The father of Deane (MacPhail), Barbara (Phair), Vi (Burlien), Julie (Warner), Betsy (Steele).
As was often the case, civilians and service groups would send packages to men and women serving overseas. The young people of Tilbury sent packages to William and it was reported in the CDN 21/09/42 (Cedar Springs section) that Mrs. Bunning received acknowledgement with thanks from Cpl. Barton.
The CDN 26/06/45 reported that he was aboard a hospital ship which was expected to dock on or about 29 June, 1945.
William was a previous President of the Branch 185 Legion in Blenheim and a member of Branch 28 in Chatham. He was also the Warden of the Cedar Springs Rifle Range for over 25 years.
William passed away 16/03/1995 at his residence, age of 81 years. His internment at Crawford Cemetery, Raleigh Twsp., Kent Co., ON.
Sources | Cedar Springs School Roll of Honour, LM-LP, KCFA, TBD-RH, BFL-B, BHS |
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