Regimental number: 401498. Reference: RG150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 464-15, Item: 26608, PDF: B0464-SO15. Date of Birth 1/06/1896 in London, England. Next of Kin: Arthur Barrett, brother. This would be changed to Mrs. Florena A. Barrett (wife), she was reported living at 17 Stanley Road, Cheriton, Kent, England. She would change her address to : 132 Risleoro Lane, Cheriton Kent, England. A single farmer living in Dresden, ON. (Living with brother at Mr. William Barnes farm). Member of 24th Kent Regt. Attestation 1/03/1915 and medical, in London, ON. Age: 18 yrs. 9 mos., Height: 5’ 6”, Complexion: Fair, Eyes: Blue, Hair: Brown. To 33rd Bn., would go overseas with the 186th Batt.. Served with the Canadian Machine Gun Corps. M. Carter.
BARRETT, HAROLD H T. Gender: M., Age: 11, Ship: DOMINION, Port of Departure: Liverpool, Date of Departure: 1907-09-12, Port of Arrival: Quebec, Date of Arrival: 1907-09-22, Party: Barnardo Homes, Destination: Toronto, Ontario, Comments: See also reel T-528 (manifest index) and RG76, Central Registry Files, volume 51, file 2209, part 2, reel C-4716, Type of Records: Passenger Lists.
Microfilm Reel Number: T–492, Children travelling together: Q07BQ, Source: Library and Archives Canada : Reference: RG 76 C1a, Item Number: 63476.
GOH additional information. British Home Child
Harold would transfer from the 33rd to the 9th Batt when overseas aboard S. S. Hesperian from Montreal, PQ. 17/08/15. He would transfer again to the 10th Batt. while in the field.
According to his Discharge Certificate He transferred from the 33rd Batt at Shorncliffe 1/03/15 and shipped overseas to France. Harold was admitted to No.2 General Hospital at la Havre with a foot problem that turned out to be “Onychia” – ie: Flat-foot.
It was reported 18/09/16 that Pte. H. Barrett was wounded (during the Battle of Courcelette 15-22 Sept.) and he was transferred by No.6 Cdn. Ambulance due to a flesh wound to left leg. He was treated at the 1st Australian General Hospital at Rouen, France 22/09/16. 1/10/16 he was transferred to the Royal Alex Hospital and treated there until 7/10/16. Transferred 7/11/16 to Moor Barrets Hospital – Shorncliffe to recouperate and was discharged 11/12/16. He was then sent to 1st reserve Batt. at Uper Dibgate for reassignment. The proceedings of his “Medical Board” 29/11/16 reported that he was fit for service,
Harold it appears found the favour of an English girl and received permission to marry at Seaford 13/10/17. His date of marriage was not noted in his file but his wife was listed as his wife not his brother and she was receiving his pay allowance
17/09/17 Harold was transferred to 5th Machine Gun Coy. It was well serving with this unit that he was wounded.
5/11/17 in the last days of the Battle of Passchendaele (26 Oct – 10 Nov.17), Harold was wounded in the left ankle by GSW. (resulting to a incomplete fracture of the Tibia) Transferred from the field by No.1 Field Ambulance. 12/11/17 arrived at No.16 Cdn. General Hospital at Orpinton, England. He was not discharged from Seaford Hospital 15/05/18.
He continued having problems with the wounded ankle and was readmitted to the C.C.D. at Wandsworth for 21 days of rehab
Some details of his injury are as follow: “Rarefaction of bone (small area) about 2” above ankle joint in left tibia – seen but three light shadows indicated pressure of some soft forign material.” This was the cause of his 21 days back in hospital.
Effective 16/04/19 Harold was Struct Off.Strength for Rhye, England. He embarked on the S.S. Belgic at Liverpool for Canada. Arrived at Halifax, NS. 16/04/19
Sources | IODE, RG150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 464-15, Item: 26608, M. Carter., LAC, Vimy Foundation |
Height | 5' 6'' |
Eye Colour | Blue |
Age | 18 years 9 months |
Complexion | Fair |
Hair | Fair |
Race | White |
Birthplace | 1/06/1896 in London, England |
Religion | Methodist |
Last Place of Employment | Thomas McKay, Dresden, Ontario, R.R. #5. |
Marital Status | Single |
When Enlisted | March 1917 |
Where Enlisted | Dresden, Ontario |
Next of Kin | Arthur Barrett, brother |
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