Cadet C. Wesley Barrett began his training at Camp Borden December 5th, 1917, continuing at Leeside and Beamsville until December 5th, 1918, when he received his temporary discharged.
Cadet C. Wesley Barrett received his discharged January 4th, 1919, due to demobilization.
Sources | IODE, Discharged (04-01-1919) |
Height | 5' 6'' |
Eye Colour | Brown |
Age | 20 |
Complexion | Dark |
Hair | Dark Brown |
Race | White |
Birthplace | Blenheim, Ontario |
Religion | Methodist |
Last Place of Employment | Student |
Marital Status | Single |
When Enlisted | November 13th, 1917 |
Where Enlisted | Toronto, Ontario |
Next of Kin | Mother- Mrs. Charles Barrett, 76 King St. Grandparents- Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Bedford, 203 Queen St, Chatham. |
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