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Rank L.A.C., Warrant Officer 1 (WAG)
Service # R127993
Unit # R.C.A.F.
Resident Chatham
Books Of Rememberance Page Available

William was born on 17/02/1920 in Chatham, ON.  He was with the 1666 Heavy Conversion Unit, RCAF.  He was the son of William Henry Banner, and of Grace Banner, of 104 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada, formerly of Chatham, ON.

Enlisted 26 August, 1941 in Toronto, ON. The CDN 17/03/45 reported that James had been promoted from WO2 to Warrant Officer 1, his promotion became effective the day before he is believed to have died.

William Banner


Sources Bill Siddall, Historian
Birthplace Chatham
Religion Roman Catholic
Marital Status Single
When Enlisted October 1941
Next of Kin Mother- Mrs. Grace Banner

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