Born in 1924 at Chatham, ON., the son of John and Hazel (nee Hetherington) of Delaware Avenue, Chatham, ON., the brother of Rose (Wiseman). The husband of Helen Marie (nee Howard). The father of Richard, Randy, Robert and Ronald.
Served with 2nd Kents.
Served in Canada Navy as radar operator, chiefly on H.M.S. Seacliffe for convoy duty.
The CDN 25/04/44 reported had transferred from HMCS Hunter (Windsor) to HMCS Cornwallis, NS. to take up new duties.
Murray served on the North Atlantic with the RCN.
Discharged November 1945.
Murray retired from international Harvester in 1981.
Murray passed away 2 November, 1997 at the age of 73 years. Internment at Maple Leaf Cemetery, Chatham, ON.
Sources | (P) C-K Museum, CCI-RH, IODE(P), SR, LM-LP, GOHSearch |
Birthplace | 14 Delaware Avenue |
Religion | Protestant |
Marital Status | Single |
When Enlisted | December 28th, 1943 |
Next of Kin | Sister- Mrs. Rose Ashton |
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