RCOC and 5th Canadian Armoured Div. The son of LeRoy and Halle Arnold. Next of kin Mrs. L. Arnold of R. R. # 1 Northwood, ON. No siblings. The husband of Shirley Patrica (nee Allen) and the father of Sandra Lyn, John, and Larry.
Floyd enlisted in January of 1941 with the RCOC. He took is training in Windsor and at Camp Borden, ON. before going overseas in October of 1941. He was wounded while serving in Italy. CDN 24/03/44 P
It was reported that Floyd, his wife and family were home from Kingston to visit friends. CDN 21/06/1944. It was reported returning from overseas duty aboard HMCS St. Laurent, expected to dock at “an eastern Canadian port” soon. CDN 8/09/45. Reported being welcomed back to Chatham from overseas duty by Aldermen George Kerr KC., A. G. Goodman and Bert Joyce also by Rehabilitation Officer William Foreman and Alex Copeland for the Civil Reception Committee along with hundreds of citizens. CDN 12/09/45.
An article in Sept. 1945 reported that Floyd was returning to service after his wounding. It was reported that Floyd, his wife and family were home from Kingston to visit friends. CDN.
Floyd passed away 23 December 1969 at the age of 50 years with internment at Arnold Cemetery.
Afa: CFF-FD44, KCFA, VR(P).
Pte. A55038, RCOC and 5th Canadian Armoured Div
Sources | CDN (08-09-1945), CDN, 12-09-1945 |
Next of Kin | Mrs. L. Arnold of R. R. # 1 Northwood, ON |
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