Registration No.: 1045870, 241ST Bn. Pte. DOB: 11/08/1886. RG150, Accession 1992-93/166. B0x: 191-41. Item: 1084, PDF:- B0191-S041. Change of Address for next-of – Kin: – Mrs. Annie Annan (wife) living at 17 Foster St. , Chatham, ON. Linear scar left side chest, Weight: 148 #.
Born at Angyleshire, Scotland. Father: James at Ardrislaig, Scotland Children: Mary (3 yrs. 9 mths. and Annie, 8 mths.) Age: 32 yrs. enlisted at Windsor, On. A Shipping Clerk. Married to Annie (2 daughters). Vaccinated – Yes. Harry served three years with the Royal London Artillery. Attestation 23/03/1917 at Chatham, ON
Apparent Age: 31 yrs. 9 mths., Girth: 32”, Complexion: Medium, Eyes : Brown, Hair: Dark Brown. Vision: 20/20, Hearing: 21/21. “Fit” 23/o3/17 at Chatham, ON.
Private Harry McFaden Annan left for overseas with the 21st. Battalion April 22nd, 1917, on the “S.S. Olympic”, and trained at West Sandling until June 26th, 1917, when he proceeded to France with reinforcements for the 20th. Battalion. After eight months continuous service, during which time he took part in the engagements at Hill 70 and Passchendale, and while on leave to Scotland, he suffered with pleurisy, was admitted to hospital, and invalided to Canada, leaving England June 26th, 1918, and arriving at London, Ontario, July 14th, 1918.
Went overseas with the 241st, 23/03/17 to 7/05/17. It was reported he was on leave after a proractive period in the trenches during which time he received wounds, which resulted in his obtaining a leave to spend at his home on Foster St., in Chatham. Embarked for England – from Halifax 28/04/17. Disembarked at England at Liverpool 7/05/17 – 26/06/17 O/s. for duty with 20th Can. Bn.
O/S. 29/04/17 to board the S.S. Olympic sailed 29/06/ 17 from Halifax NS. 20th Bn. for France. Date of Service 26/06/17. There was a change of address for his wife to the Central Apts. On King St., West – Chatham. ( Mrs. Annie Annan, would move again after the death of her husband to 331/2 Forth St. , Chatham, ON. Mother deceased
Cdn. Special Hospital – Lenham, Kent, England – Admitted 26/06/18 – Invalided to Canada – Endell St., Mil. Hosp. 19/05/18 Can. Spec. – London, ON. 30/05/18 for “Pleurisy” CL. 21-5-18 B219 Adm. With leaved from France. D to C. HS. S.S. Araguaya – sailing No. 61 from Liverpool. 26/06/18.
7/07/18 Medical Board: 26/06/18 from Clearing Section M.D. # L and granted a furlough with subsistence from 13/07/18 to 27/07/18 – 18/07/18 service Chevrons (2 Blue). 13/08/18 – Posted to Cascoy from Hospital sect. (Mil. Hosp.) Tfd. From Military Hosp. to Byron San. 20/08/18. Discharged from HMS. – Medically unfit for further war service, R.O.693 D/19/06/18 (no PDP). Disc. from Hospital: 18/05/18 – 26/06/18 TOS – London, On. No. 1 Dist. – Disc. 20/08/18 at London. ON. Last Pay: – 20/08/18. Disc. R.O. 693, D/19-06-18 of $89.70. Granted 14 days leave 2/03/18. 4th Scottish Gen. Hosp. – 15/05/18, “fit to Travel”.
26/06/18 Invalided to Canada.
In Canada: 23/03/17 to 23/04/17 – In England 7/05/17 – 26/06/17 – In France: 26/06/17 – 1 Mar. 1918. England & Canada 1/03/18 – Aug 20, 1918. Slight weakness – Treated at Queen Alexander Sanatorium 13/08/18 – “Required rest.” – 3 months further treatment at Sanatorium – 25/11/18. Perhaps due to Exposure at Passenchdule. Treatment at Byron Sanatorium. Date of Discharge: 20/08/18 – ‘Being Medically Unfit.
Discharge Certificate: 23/03/17. Served in France with the 20th Bn. He was being Medically Unfit for further War Service. R.O. D/15/06/18 – Dark images on his left cheek. Disc: London, On. 20/08/1918. ID 46-2-22, IHD 10/A-60., T.B. found 30/08/18 – 13/08/18 with Bronchitis and Pleurisy and admitted on leave from France 30/05/18. B3255 – Invalided “Can.” 26/06/18.
Private Harry McFaden Annan received his discharge from the C.E.P. August 20th, 1918; was taken on the strength of the Invalided Soldiers Commission for treatment at London, Ontario, and on completion of treatment was discharged from the I.S.C. December 15th, 1918. Cause for discharge… Medically unfit for further military service.
DECEASED 18/05/43 (649-A-7411)
Sources | Chatham Daily Planet (15-07-1918), Chatham Daily News - Obituaries (18-05-1943) |
Height | 5' 10" |
Eye Colour | Brown |
Age | 31 yrs. 9 mths. |
Complexion | Dark |
Hair | Brown |
Race | White |
Birthplace | Scotland |
Religion | Baptist |
Last Place of Employment | T.H. Taylor Company, Ltd, Chatham, Ontario. |
Marital Status | Married |
Marriage Info | April 6th, 1912, Campbellford, Ontario. |
When Enlisted | March 22nd, 1917 |
Where Enlisted | Chatham, Ontario |
Allowance from Patriotic Fund | $16.00 per month |
Next of Kin | Wife- Mrs. Annie Annan, Chatham. Daughter- Mary Georgina Annan, Annie Agnes Annan. |
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