Aikin, David Photo
Rank Private
Service # 880497
Unit # 186th, Canadian Infantry (Western Ontario Regt.)
Resident Wheatley

Regimental number: 880497 Reference: RG150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 53-15, Item: 2773, PDF B0053-SO15.  Date of Birth 21/09/1892 at Belfast, Ireland. The son of David and Jane David.  Brother of John (112169) and William (880489). Married to Eley Myrtle Fitzpatrick Loop (formerly Aikin) living in Wheatley, ON., Born at Belfast, Ireland. The father of three children. A labourer.

Member of the 1st Hussars (1 year) Cdn. Mounted Rifles from Quebec Regt.

Age 23 years 6 months, Height 5’ 5”, Girth: 37” 

Attestation: 17/03/1916 at Chatham, ON. to 186th Bn. CDP 27/06/1916.      

Departed Halifax aboard the S. S. Lapland 25/03/17 and arrived at Liverpool. TOS at segregation camp at Bramshot 7/04/17. Transferred to 4th Batt. at Bramshot. SOS to the 18th Batt. overseas to France 16/06/17.  

There is some confusion as to his date of death. He was killed during action at the Battle of Hill 70 age 24 years. Killed in the field by an enemy shell burst on a roadway.  

AIKIN, DAVID. Rank: Private, Regiment/Service: Canadian Infantry (Western Ontario Regiment)

Unit Text: 18th Bn. Age: 24 KIA, Date of Death: 21/08/1917, Service No: 880497

Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead

Grave/Memorial Reference: I. M. 12. Cemetery: AIX-NOULETTE COMMUNAL CEMETERY EXTENSION.

The “War Service Gratuity” was eligible for his wife of $80.00 with a refund of $20.00. Myrtle receive the Plaque & Scroll.  His mother Mrs. Jane Aikin, 559 West Grand Boulevard, Detroit, Michigan, USA. received the Cross of Sacrifice (Memorial Cross).



Cenotaph Chatham and Kent County Cenotaph - Chatham
Sources Chatham Daily Planet (27-06-1916), Wheatley Cenotaph, Chatham Daily Planet (14-09-1917), Chatham Daily Planet (27-09-1919), RG150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 53-15, LAC, CVWM, Jocelyn Jones, Bill Siddall, Historian
Supplemental Information Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead Grave/Memorial Reference: I. M. 12. Cemetery: AIX-NOULETTE COMMUNAL CEMETERY EXTENSION.
Height 5' 5"
Age 23 yrs. 6 mths.
Birthplace 21/09/1892 at Belfast,Ireland

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