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Rank A.W.
Service # W305501
Unit # RCAF(WD)
Resident McGregor, Manitoba, Windsor, Chatham

Mary served in the R.C.A.F. and she also was involved with an Army Corp group in Chatham.

Place of Birth, McGregor, Manitoba;

Date of Birth, September 4th, 1918;

Next of Kin, mother, Mrs. Helen Strain; Janet Lawton, sister; Jim Lundy, brother;  Married Lt.. Donald House in March 1944.  Mary and Don had 6 children and lived in Hamilton.

Place of Enlistment, Windsor, Ontario; Address at Enlistment, lived in Chatham, Ontario, and served at Jarvis, Ontario R.C.A.F. Base; Theatre of Service, Ontario;

The sister of James Patrick. Mary was reported stationed at RCAF-Jarvis, ON. in February 1944. The sister of James P., Jennie, Jack Wilfred, and Bob residing in Chatham, Twsp. CDN 8/02/44(P).

Date of Death:  November 1998


Lundy Mary House Lundy Mary Houseb

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